Impact 2023 Homepage

Creating a fair, sustainable future for Australia and the region

Looking back over the last 12 months, I am incredibly proud of the impact our small team has made on the policy agenda across a wide range of domains.

Australia and the region are experiencing a seismic shift in the policy landscape, and this presents a tremendous opportunity for transformative, enduring systemic change.

The Federal Government is committed to an expansive policy change agenda. The private sector and civil society are also reimagining central societal compacts.

In this environment CPD is in a unique position to guide Australia to a fair, sustainable and inclusive future:

  • Our Wellbeing Initiative has driven ambition for better ways to set goals and measure progress for Australia, with key impact on the Federal Budget and close collaboration with Treasury. 
  • Our Sustainable Economy Program has helped bring about new mandatory climate disclosure rules and  the creation of the Net Zero Authority.. Now it’s developing the bold targets for 2035 needed to keep warming below 1.5 degrees.
  • Through the Asia Dialogue on Forced Migration we helped to  activate a regional emergency response to the Myanmar crisis this year. 
  • Our Early Childhood Development Initiative helped to secure once-in-a-generation State and Federal reforms and investments totalling more than $50 billion in the wellbeing of children, their families and the nation.

CPD’s cross-program work is truly distinctive, for example, our work on energy transition in Indonesia and Australia has helped to influence the G20 and ASEAN agenda.

The success of this innovative model powered by trust has been a key catalyst in CPD’s substantial growth. In just two years CPD’s income has grown from $1.9 million to $3.5 million, our team has more than doubled to 25, and we now have a presence in Melbourne, Canberra, Sydney, and Jakarta.

In this impact report, you’ll see a snapshot of CPD’s collaborative approach, our expertise, and our unwavering commitment to our core values. I want to thank everyone that has supported CPD over the last year.  The steps our country and region have taken towards a better future belong to you. 

Thank you, 

Headshot of a white man in a shirt and tie
Andrew Hudson
CEO, Centre for Policy Development

The Year at a Glance

July 2022

  • CPD hosts G20 event on climate transition financing addressed by Indonesian Vice-President Ma’ruf Amin
  • Starting Now lays out first steps to universal early childhood system, endorsed by the Business Council of Australia, Chief Executive Women and National Children’s Commissioner 
  • NSW and Victoria announce $20 billion investment in early childhood system, guided by CPD and Early Childhood Development Council research and advocacy

August 2022

Landmark report, ‘Redefining Progress’, sets foundation for Australian wellbeing approach

September 2022

  • Raising the Bar report recommends climate risk regime apply to public authorities
  • Commonwealth extends paid parental leave to 26 weeks in line with Starting Better guarantee 
  • CPD publishes Principles for an Effective Wellbeing Budget

October 2022

  • Federal Budget announces Australia’s first wellbeing framework based on CPD work

November 2022

  • CPD welcomes Sam Mostyn as Chair, thanks Terry Moran AC for his tireless service 
  • Federal Minister for Early Childhood Dr Anne Aly and Social Services Minister Amanda Rishworth address CPD’s Early Childhood Development Council on their vision for the early years, crediting CPD and council work for driving bold reform agenda
  • CPD, as part of the ADFM Secretariat, holds in person roundtable on Alternatives to Child Detention in Putrajaya, Malaysia

December 2022

  • Federal Treasurer announces climate risk “mandatory disclosure” regime in line with CPD recommendations 
  • CPD launches 2035 Climate Initiative to take bold, practical steps to achieve decarbonisation targets

February 2023

  • 40 organisations back Starting Better guarantee in open letter ahead of Early Years Summit 
  • Bali Process co-Chairs activate emergency response to Myanmar refugee crisis following coordinated work from CPD, UN agencies and member countries 
  • Government appoints special commissioner to Productivity Commission early childhood inquiry, in line with CPD advice.

March 2023

  • Senate Inquiry on Work and Care report endorses CPD’s early childhood work as “provid[ing] a comprehensive roadmap… to ensure that all children are given the best chances in the first five years of life”

April 2023

  • Sophie Howe delivers fourth Menadue Oration, giving ambition and direction to Australia’s wellbeing journey

May 2023

  • Asia Dialogue on Force Migration meets in Jakarta convening 30 leaders from 8 countries to improve the regional response to the Rohingya refugee crisi

Impact Highlights


Driving reform across climate, social policy, economic policy and diplomacy


Uniting more than 150 decision-makers, Ministers, CEOs and experts


With Cabinet Ministers, industry leaders, diplomats and public officials


Defining the narrative on Australia and the region


New public investment in key reforms across states and Commonwealth


G20 and ASEAN engage CPD as an energy transition partner

Our Programs & Initiatives

CPD’s programs and initiatives are focused on our core mission, to solve the biggest policy challenges facing Australia and the region, and to illuminate paths toward long-term, systemic change that benefits current and future generations.

The policy landscape in Australia and its region is undergoing a significant shift, presenting an excellent chance for lasting systemic change. We are seeing government, private sector, and civil society more dedicated to comprehensive policy reform than in years past.

CPD  plays a crucial role in steering Australia towards an equitable, sustainable, and inclusive future, and below you will see some of the impact we have had in just the last 12 months. 

A Sustainable Future Beyond National Borders

Our Australia & the Indo-Pacific Program’s work on forced migration and energy transition is solving the most urgent challenges facing our region.

Through the Asia Dialogue on Forced Migration we developed and activated an emergency response to the Myanmar crisis this year. Alongside this CPD’s work connecting Australia with the Indo-Pacific has made us official partners of both G20 and ASEAN.

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Making People & Places Central to Government

CPD and our partners are redefining how government supports people, strengthens communities and paves the way for system transformation.

Through the Resilient People and Places Program we are scaling innovative people- and place-centered approaches to critical services to the state and national level.

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A Global Leader Boosts Wellbeing Ambition

Inaugural Future Generations Commissioner of Wales, Sophie Howe, is the first public official in the world appointed to guard the interests of future generations.

On Tuesday 18 April she delivered the fourth John Menadue Oration, CPD’s flagship event, for a sold-out Wheeler Centre audience that included leaders across government, philanthropy and the private sector.

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Putting People First for a Better Tomorrow

Our Wellbeing Initiative builds wellbeing into decision-making in Australian institutions. This year we have made significant progress and interest in wellbeing approaches is surging across the country.

We have driven ambition for better ways to set goals and measure progress for Australia, with key impact on the Federal Budget, close collaboration with Treasury, and an international reach that provides direction and ambition from global best practice.

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“CPD has been a leading voice in promoting the value of investment in early education to give our children the best start in life. Your work showed the generational economic impact of investment in child care.”
Matt KeanFormer NSW Treasurer
Matt Kean
“CPD’s connections to key decision-makers and influencers and the buzz around the wellbeing agenda has made me excited and optimistic about wellbeing starting to be properly rolled out in Australia.”
Sophie HoweInaugural Future Generations Commissioner of Wales
Sophie Howe
“Thank you for your ongoing collaboration through this year. We have valued working with CPD in developing the thinking to improve local jobs & skills systems.”
Carolyn AtkinsSenior Manager, Place-Based Approaches at Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry & Regions
Carolyn Atkins
“CPD’s method and approach have created high-quality forums to amplify and embed climate research in Australia’s business, government and financial institutions. Together we are transforming insight into impact.”
Anna SkarbekCEO, Climateworks
Anna Skarbek
“In just a year, CPD has built solid works to enhance the coalition in Indonesia, and nurtured the Australia-Indonesia relationship. CPD enriches ideas to support just transition in Indonesia and we’re looking forward to working closely with them in the near future.”
Yudo Dwinanda PriaadiSenior Advisor to Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources
Yudo Dwinanda Priaadi

Invest In Impact

Imagine a society that fosters equal opportunity and justice, an economy powered by clean, innovative, and productive solutions, a government that is effective and proactive, and a nation renowned for its leadership and cooperation. This is the future we envision at CPD, and with your support, we can make it a reality.
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Driven by Values, Guided by Evidence

CPD’s work is driven by values, empowered by our method, and guided by evidence – including from the participation of people affected by policies. 

At the centre of our work is the principle that public policy should advance the wellbeing of current and future generations.

These beliefs shape our strategic goals and ways of working. We work and walk with organisations and individuals, large and small, who share these values and have an interest in crafting solutions to our most pressing challenges.

Making Australia the Best Place to be a Child

CPD’s Early Childhood Development Initiative has built consensus across business, academia, government and civil society on a universal Guarantee for Young Children and Families to give all children in Australia the best start to life.

Our work has helped secure State and Federal investments totalling more than $50 billion in the wellbeing of children, their families and the nation.

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Creating a Net Zero Future for the Region

Our Sustainable Economy Program has laid the foundation for the creation of the Net Zero Authority, the climate risk reporting regime. Now it’s developing the bold targets for 2035 needed to keep warming below 1.5 degrees. 

Our impact extends from local Australian communities, across major institutions, to key diplomatic partners.  

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Breaking Down Silos for Long-Term Progress

Good public policy takes an integrated approach that breaks down silos to break new ground. Our work connects policy domains to accelerate momentum and deepen impact.

We’re focused on bringing rigorous cross-disciplinary analysis, urging ambition for enduring reforms, challenging outdated orthodoxies and providing supportive evidence-based guidance on best practice.

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Download the full 2023 Impact Report

Learn more about the impact our programs and initiatives had on the policy landscape both at home and abroad.
Download Report